Breaking the vicious staff retention / lower census cycle The long term care staffing crisis rages on, according to a recent survey conducted by Leading Age.  70% of assisted living providers and a disturbing 92% of nursing home providers reported significant or severe workforce shortages – unchanged since June 2022. The staffing crisis in long…

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NPS = get your QAPI feedback fast, easy and frequently Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys – simple 2-question surveys – are an ideal way of adding nuanced data to your community’s Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) programs. The simplicity and quick-response nature of NPS surveys make it easy for family members and residents to…

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How’s Mom clients named McKnight’s Tech Award Finalists We are excited to announce that three How’s Mom customers have been named Finalists for the 2022 McKnight’s Long-Term Care News Tech Awards.  These awards, judged by an esteemed group of 25 long-term care stakeholders from hundreds of nominations, recognize long-term care providers for their overall value…

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